Slika mozaik – mosaic picture, mosaic wall art, mosaic wall decor, small



This small Picture is made of very small pieces of mosaic glass and italian smalti in orange, yellow, green, blue white and pink.
Not framed, ready to hang on the wall
Size – 15cm x18 cm

During the process of creation, I was interested in how to catch the depth. I wanted to catch up with something more that is hidden in every living thing. I think I succeeded splendidly.
I used warm, friendly colors for the flower and a bit colder for the background. Together form a beautiful whole

I decided to make a series of pictures and name it Deeply beautiful .Named – Deep Beauty – is because it does not only show the beauty of the flower, it says that there is something hidden behind beauty. Especially useful things that outweigh more than the first beauty, which is time limited.
This picture is the first in this series.


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