Mozaik slika, large mosaic picture – Life.


Slika je narejena iz ročno klesanega in rezanega marmorja, transparentnega beneškega stekla – smalti in zlata.

Predstavlja trnovo pot, polno vzponov in padcev v našem življenju. Upanje (zlato), ki je predstavljeno z zlatom, ki je konstantno prisotno. Tudi takrat, ko se nam zdi, da smo v temi popolnoma sami.



This large mosaic picture is made from handcut marbe, natural stone, transparent glass, italian smalti and gold.

The title of the picture is: Life.

One day I wondered – how to describe our life cycle in as few strokes as possible.
So the picture shows a heartbeat that sometimes goes wild, especially when something beautiful is happening to us. In the picture we also have flowing white, gray, black and brown, which shows our life, from birth to death, and again birth. And the gold that connects all the parts into a whole.
The picture is not a smooth surface, but a rough one, just as our lives are usually exciting.

This mosaic picture consists of 3 parts – so it is a triptych.

The picture is not framed, but is ready to hang on the wall.

Size – 3x a 50cm x 30 cm – therefore a total of 50 cm x 90 cm.


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